Lab-Reference Interval Study

Seeking research participants for our Lab-Reference Interval Study.

Dog Being Checked on By A Doctor

Summary of Study

We are collecting blood samples from dogs and cats to establish reference intervals for our new veterinary clinical pathology laboratory in the Animal Health Institute.

To be eligible to participate:

  • Dogs and cats must be healthy (free physical exam to determine eligibility).
  • Dogs and cats must weigh at least 5 pounds.
  • Cats must be 1-12 years old. Dogs must be 2-10 years old.
  • Dogs and cats cannot be pregnant, lactating or gestating.
  • Dogs and cats must not be on any prescription medications aside from monthly parasiticides.
  • Pets must be fasted for 8 hours prior to blood draw.

Owners will receive copy of blood work free of charge.

Contact Information

Please refer potential study subjects to Dr. Montalvo.

Natacha Montalvo D.V.M, M.S.
Office phone: 623-806-7654

Lab-Reference Interval Study (pdf)