Your gift to Arizona's only College of Veterinary Medicine can have far-reaching impact which will benefit the veterinary students we teach and the animals we treat. To learn more about our giving opportunities, ways to give, and giving societies, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 623-572-3784 or
College of Veterinary Medicine Giving Opportunities
Mobile Unit Fund
Your donation will help purchase medicine and supplies needed for our students and faculty who are providing basic medical care, as well as spay and neuter surgeries, for dogs and cats in underserved areas of our state.
Student Surgical Laboratory Fund
A gift to the Student Surgical Laboratory Fund will help our students gain hands-on supervised surgical experience to provide free spay and neuter surgeries along with supplementary medical care for animals sent to Midwestern University College of Veterinary Medicine's student surgical laboratories from a variety of local rescue shelters.

Patient Assistance Fund
Through your support, we will provide care for animals whose owners are unable to cover the cost of care for their beloved pets.
Companion Animal Memorial Fund
Your gift made in memory of a cherished animal friend will be used to benefit the general scholarship fund.

Grateful Client Fund
A donation to the Grateful Client Fund will recognize the high-quality, compassionate care you and your pet received. You may recognize a specific person or a whole service area and funds support the general scholarship fund.
Establish your own named endowed scholarship
Endowed scholarships are designed to be permanent and perpetual and can be created with gifts totaling a minimum amount of $25,000, contributed in full at the outset or with an initial commitment that is added to over time until the endowment level of $25,000 is attained. The principal of the fund is invested to produce income, and an annual award is made to a student/s. The principal remains untouched, so the endowment can last into perpetuity.