
Health Careers Institute for High School Students

Hands-on 8-Day Summer Workshop for Arizona High School Students

  • Glendale Campus

Event Information

Two High School Seniors Enjoying Midwestern's Health Careers Institute

Join Midwestern University faculty and students for a FREE 8-day hands-on workshop to learn about healthcare professions.

Work as a Midwestern University Mentor

The Health Careers Institute for High School Students will be a live, in-person learning event on the Midwestern University campus.

Rural Housing Scholarships

Applications are now open for NEW scholarships for rural Arizona students to attend this program. 

Apply for the Rural Housing Scholarship

Resources for Attendees

High School Students Learning at Midwesten HCI Event

Want to see what you can expect from the Health Careers Institute? Check out this video:


Featured professions include:
  • Osteopathic Medicine
  • Physician Assistant Studies
  • Pharmacy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Dental Medicine
  • Perfusion/Cardiovascular Science 
  • Podiatric Medicine
  • Nurse Anesthesia
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Physical Therapy
  • Optometry
  • Speech-Language Pathology 
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Precision Medicine
  • Public Health
  • Graduate Nursing Practice


The Health Careers Institute for High School Students is funded as a result of generous financial support from BHHS Legacy Foundation, which is an Arizona charitable organization whose philanthropic mission is to enhance the quality of life and health of those it serves.

Two students in scrubs in front of a cleaning area


Student/Teacher Testimonials

Please enjoy some quotes from our 2023 participants:

“It opened my eyes. I didn’t think there were so many things you could do in medicine. I gained lots of knowledge and memories with the amazing mentors and students here at MWU."

“Before I came to this program, I was seriously considering healthcare but didn’t know what was right for me due to my lack of experience. I benefited because I was exposed to new career paths and got a chance to experience each career to discover what I like and want for my future.”

"Our mentors were extremely kind, motivating, encouraging, and approachable! I never felt intimidated or worried to clarify a point, ask a question, or even speak up about my thoughts around them because of how open-minded they are. I wouldn’t change a thing because they are AMAZING. I’m usually more reserved but I never was around my mentors.”

“I really enjoyed being able to hear all of the mentors' stories and listen to all the difficulties they overcame in medical school. It gives me a lot of encouragement to continue pursuing my dreams and moving forward.”

“This was so much fun! I was laughing the entire time and I enjoyed how interactive the entire thing was. I wasn’t thinking much about physical therapy before, but now I am. I loved the balance between fun and informative at each of the workshops."

“This has to be one of the most fun activities I have done! Not only did I gain knowledge, but I also had fun while doing it. Everyone was very passionate about their topic, which made listening and learning more engaging.”

“My mind became open to careers I never thought about before. So much information was handed to me and it gave me more knowledge in one week than any other research I’ve found myself in the past. It fed me with more interest in the medical field.”

Health Careers Institute

Want to see what you can expect from the Health Careers Institute?

Contact Information

For event related questions, please contact the MWU Office of Communications.

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